Risk Management


QIAS can help organisations to conduct meaningful risk management exercises across all aspects of the organisation, including:

In basic terms risk management requires an organisation to:


Organisations that have not conducted an effective risk management exercise recently could find themselves exposed to costly situations that could easily be avoided.

Conducting regular Risk Management exercises can be a good preventative measure for most organisations and is an integral part of business improvement.


Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing, prioritizing, and mitigating risks that may impact an organization’s objectives. It involves systematically analyzing potential events or circumstances that could have adverse effects on the organization, determining the likelihood and severity of those effects, and taking proactive measures to minimize or eliminate them. Risk management aims to protect the organization from potential losses, seize opportunities for growth and innovation, and enhance decision-making by providing a structured approach to managing uncertainty. It is an integral part of organizational governance, strategic planning, and operational management, helping organizations anticipate and respond effectively to both internal and external challenges.

A risk assessment helps identify potential hazards and threats to your business, allowing you to take proactive measures to mitigate them. This safeguards your assets, operations, and reputation, while also ensuring compliance with regulations and minimizing financial losses.

Incident and risk assessment involves evaluating and analyzing events, incidents, or potential risks that could impact an organization’s operations, assets, or objectives. Incident assessment focuses on reviewing and documenting actual events or occurrences, such as accidents, injuries, or security breaches, to understand their causes, consequences, and lessons learned. Risk assessment, on the other hand, involves identifying and evaluating potential risks or threats that could affect the organization, assessing their likelihood and potential impact, and determining appropriate mitigation measures to manage or control them. Both incident and risk assessments play crucial roles in helping organizations identify vulnerabilities, improve safety and security measures, and enhance overall resilience and preparedness to mitigate future incidents or risks effectively.

The standout difference between Risk Assessment and Quality Management Consultants lies in their primary focus areas. A Risk Assessment Consultant specializes in identifying, analyzing, and mitigating potential risks and hazards within an organization, ensuring safety and compliance. On the other hand, a Quality Management Consultant concentrates on optimizing processes, procedures, and systems to ensure products or services meet defined quality standards and customer expectations, aiming for excellence and continuous improvement. While both roles may overlap in areas such as process improvement, their core emphasis differs risk mitigation for Risk Assessment Consultants and quality optimization for Quality Management Consultants.